About eArchive
This web-based service will provide you with quick and convenient round the clock access to your electronic documents and will allow you to search for documents by indices or by content. eArchive is offering you:
Storage of almost unlimited number of documents.
Search of documents by their indices and content.
Fast access to archived documents.
Round the clock access to documents via the internet.
High level of security.
Quick return on investments.
Time saved.
Decision to use the e-archive will save you from potentially big investments purchasing and maintaining the hardware and software necessary for the proper storage of electronic and paper documents. By entrusting the development and maintenance of the electronic document system to us, you will be able to focus on your main activities and reduce your operating costs.
Adapting eARCHIVE to your needs
Our professionals will adapt the system and configure the following elements according to your needs and preferences:
The user interface.
Attributes of documents.
Search fields.
Users and access rights.
Integration with other systems.